Entra mayo y sale abril: Medieval Spanish Literary and Folklore Studies in Memory of Harriet Goldberg -- Da Costa Fontes, M. & Snow, J.T.
商品コード: 174725
商品コード(SBC): 174725
ISBN13: 9781588710765
頁 数: 422 pgs.
サイズ: 15 x 23 x 2.7 cm
重 量: 0.68 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Juan de la Cuesta
発行年: 2005
発行地: Newark
双書名: Homenajes, 25
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
This volume has a curions history, as homage volumes go. In the year 2000-the idea was really Joe’s-we set out to put together three sessions at the Thírty-Fífth International Medieval Congress, the annual May fête sponsored by the Medieval Institute of Western Michigan Universirv in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in honor of the long, disringuishcd and-thankfully-still active career ofSamuel G. Armistead. We got the green light from the Congress organizers and set abolit our work. One of the speakers we wanted to attract was Harriet Goldberg, whose dissertation had been directed by Sam at the .Universirv of Pennsylvania. Harriet was a friend of ours and, like us, the modcrators, and participants in the multiple-session homage, she was a great admirer of Sam and alI that he represents to so many generations of studcnrs and scholars in the United States and throughout the world of Hispano-Medieval and of [udeo-Spanísh srudies.
At that moment, we knew thar Harriet was courageously fighting the cancer’ thar would eventuallv take he’r from us and feared rhat she might not be able to trave! from Villanova (near Philadelphia) to participare. But this was Sam, she said, and participate she would! And she did, splendidlv. Harriet sailed in to Kalarnazoo, a bold hat skirting the issue of her ha ir loss, full of the energy and laughrer that we alI so dearly miss now, and read an e!egant paper, prepared wirh her usual humor and grace. Ir was warmly receivcd byeveryone, and by none more so thau by her bclovcd mentor. Contrary to wliar many of us expected of a cancer patient, it was Harriet who, tvpically and openly, put everyone at ease with her mirthful sallies and amusing srories.
Preface, The Editors…11
Harriet Goldberg’s Publications…15
Remembering Harriet Goldberg, Samuel G. Armistead…21
Harriet Goldberg, 1926-2001, Alan D. Deyermond…25
Sephardic Ballad Singers and Golden Age Narrative, Samuel G. Armistead…31
Ficciones sobre la lengua entre los siglos XIII y XVI, Carmen Benito-Vessels…41
Romances de Rocha, Uruguay, Michele S. de Cruz-Sáenz…57
Marian Miracles and Moral Ambiguity: Pilgrim’s Testimony at the Real Monasterio de Santa Maria de Guadalupe, Barbara De Marco...113
Womens Words, Man’s World: Teodor, Tarsiana, and the Stepmother, Alan D. Deyermond…127
Writing Under Persecutions: Cárcel de amor and the Situation of Conversos, Manuel da Costa Fonttes…143
‘Call me Ishmael’: Onomastics, Genealogies, and Ideologies in a Frontier Ballad (Alora la bien cercada), E. Michael Gerli…161
Judeo-Spanish Tales Reflectiong Forced Conversion, Reginetta Haboucha…181
Romancero and Midrash: The Ballad of El Paso del Mar Rojo, Andrea Haro Cortés…211
Los copistas cuentistas: los otros ejemplos de El conde Lucanor en el códices de Puñonrostro, Maria Jesús Lacarra…231
Por qué vuelan de noche las lechuzas, por qué murió joven Roldán, por qué se llama una novela Cien años de soledad, exclusión, soledad y muerte en los relatos de incesto, Jose Manuel Pedrosa...259
Latin and Virtue: Vives on Educating the Subordinated Sex, Carmen Peraita...281
A Web Implementation of Harriet Goldberg’s Motif-Index of Folk Narratives in the Pan-Hispanic Romancero, Susanne H. Petersen…303
Antifeminism and Antisemitism Revisited: Historicizing the Debates in Fifteenth-Century Spain, Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez…321
Some Literary Portraits of the Old Woman in Medieval and Early Modern Spain, Joseph T. Snow…349
Orality and Folklore in the Libro del Cavallero Zifar, Mercedes Vaquero…365
Women Raping Men: The Sexual-Textual Violence of the Anti-Pastourelle, Louise O. Vasvari…375
Invisible Threads in the Tapestry of Sovereignty: Carmenties, Arachne, and Athena in Jardin de nobles doncellas, Barbara F. Weissberger…397
Tabula in Memoriam…421