Ramon Llull as a Vernacular Writer - Communicating a New Kind of Knowledge -- Badia, Lola & Santanach, Joan et al
商品コード: 126730
商品コード(SBC): 126730
ISBN13: 9781855663015
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 2.9 cm
頁 数: 386 pgs.
重 量: 0.64 kgs
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Boydell & Brewer
発行年: 2016
発行地: London
双書名: Tamesis A/Monografias, 354
The authors maintain that Llull was an atypical ‘scholar’ because he enjoyed a form of access to knowledge that differed from the norm and because he organized the production and dissemination of his writings in a creative and unconventional fashion.
Ramon Llull (1232-1316), mystic, missionary, philosopher and author of narrative and poetry, wrote both in Latin and in the vernacular claiming he had been given a new science to unveil the Truth. This book shows why his Latin andvernacular books cannot be read as if they had been written in isolation from one another. Llull was an atypical ‘scholar’ because he enjoyed a form of access to knowledge that differed from the norm and because he organized theproduction and dissemination of his writings in a creative and unconventional fashion. At a time when learned texts and university culture were conveyed for the most part using the vehicle of Latin, he wrote a substantial proportion of his theological and scientific works in his maternal Catalan while, at the same time, he was deeply involved in the circulation of such works in other Romance languages. These circumstances do not preclude the fact that a considerable number of the titles comprising his extensive output of more than 260 works were written directly in Latin, or that he had various books which were originally conceived in Catalan subsequently translated or adapted intoLatin.
Ramon Llul’s Art, Language and Literary Expression
Style and Genre in the writings of Ramon Llull
The Composition and Dissemination of Ramon Llull’s Texts, from Script to Print
Ramon Llull’s Vernacular Context
Appendix I: First-generation Llullian Manuscripts
Appendix II: Catalan Language and Literature in Relation to Ramon Llull
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