Uruguayan Cinema, 1960-2010 - Text, Materiality, Archieve -- Tadeo Fuica, Beatriz
商品コード: 126800
商品コード(SBC): 126800
ISBN13: 9781855663190
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 1.4 cm
頁 数: 192 pgs.
重 量: 0.41 kgs
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Boydell & Brewer
発行年: 2017
発行地: London
双書名: Tamesis A/Monografias, 370
An original and groundbreaking historiography on fifty years of Uruguayan cinema.
Runner-up for the 2014 Publication Prize awarded by the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland
This book presents an original historiography on fifty years of Uruguayan cinema. It is the first English language academic book in which Uruguay becomes a case study to reflect upon broader interests of both Film and Latin American Studies, such as the conditions of film archives, the many materialities of film, the relationshipbetween film and politics, and the ways in which films are produced in countries without a mainstream film industry. Uruguayan cinema has recently begun to capture the attention of academics and critics. However, most of Uruguayan productions remain ignored and forgotten, and have not been explored in depth. This ground-breaking investigation unearths films and videos from private and public archives, made in both amateur and professional settings, to reflect upon the ever-changing nature of the concept of cinema.
How is the concept of cinema defined in non-industrial contexts? Can we even talk about cinema, when most of the production was captured in small-gauge film and video? In seeking to answer these questions, this book uncovers the tensions behind the text and the - filmic, magnetic or digital - materiality of films. Detailed case studies are based on the analysis of the political, cultural and economic contexts of film production and current issues of accessibility.
List of Abbreviations
Between Europe and Latin America (1960-73)
Cinema By and Against the Dictatorship (1973-85)
In Transition (1985-2000)
Negotiating the Local at the Beginning of the Millennium (2000-2010)
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カンペオナス! 2023年FIFA女子ワールドカップ優勝メンバー23人を一人一人紹介。RTVEのサッカー担当記者がこれまでの取材やインタビューから選手の人柄やサッカーに対する思いを丁寧に描き出しています。
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※ 最後の1セットです ※ 割引率アップで半額!!
アメリカのウェブスターに匹敵するようなメキシコ・オリジナルの辞書を作るという企画により Luis Fernando Lara 監修の元、1973年研究が開始されて以来、36年を経てついに完成したメキシコ・スペイン語辞典(DEM)です。
1921年以降の言語資料コーパスCorpus del espanol mexicano contemporaneo(1921-1974)と その後の最新語彙データの研究から生まれた集大成です。収録語数約2万5千語、語義は5万近くにのぼります。
第1巻:A-G、第2巻:H-Z の2巻本。
- Diccionario del español de México. in 2 vols ∥ Fernando Lara, Luis(dir.)