Spanish National Identity, Colonial Power, and the Portrayal of Muslims and Jews during the Rif War (1909-27) -- Bolorinos Allard, Elisabeth
商品コード: 126905
商品コード(SBC): 126905
ISBN13: 9781855663459
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 1.8 cm
頁 数: 210 pgs.
重 量: 0.44 kgs
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Boydell & Brewer
発行年: 2021
発行地: London
双書名: Tamesis A/Monografias, 394
How were Moroccan Muslim and Jewish cultures depicted in Spanish literature, journalism, and photography during the Rif War and what did this portrayal reveal about conflicting visions of Spanish identity?
Runner-up for the 2017-18 AHGBI-Spanish Embassy Publication Prize This book examines how anxieties about colonial power and national identity are reflected in Spanish literature, journalism, and photography of Moroccan Muslim and Jewish cultures during the Spanish colonisation of Northern Morocco from 1909 to 1927. This understudied period, known as the Rif War, is highly significant because of its role in shaping the identities that came into conflict in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). Furthermore, the book makes a key contribution to Spanish colonial studies by offering a comparative analysis of Spanish representations of the Iberian Peninsula’s cultural and historical relationship with Moroccan Muslims and Jews in this context, showing how conflicting visions of Spanish identity are portrayed through and in relation to them.
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