

Eros en escena: Erotismo en el teatro del Siglo de Oro -- Fernández Rodriguez, Esther

¥4,686 税込
商品コード: 176294
商品コード(SBC): 176294
ISBN13: 9781588711571
頁 数: 190 pgs.
サイズ: 15 x 23 x 1.4 cm
重 量: 0.32 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Juan de la Cuesta
発行年: 2009
発行地: Newark

PDFリンク: ※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
The present volume centers on the socio-historical, literary, and performative aspects of eroticism as expressed in Spanish Golden Age drama. Th e sociological facet of the erotic in the Spanish comedia de corral involves two components: The urban location of these theatrical venues in conjunction with their interior architecture and the lifestyle of both male and female performers of the time. The literary part of the study focuses on the comedias as dramatic texts. It involves the analysis of a corpus of scenes from diff erent plays that are erotically daring, either in terms of the spoken message the characters convey or of the physical aspects of performance.

Most of them are linked to the use of nudity on stage or to the overt verbal expression of sexual desire by an aristocratic protagonist. I purposely avoid issues of gender transgression as well as the sexuality of graciosos, since these elements have already been extensively studied. The final section focuses on performance theory in the seventeenth-century. This book strives to present the Spanish comedia as an appealing cultural, social and dramatic experience of the time, as well as to rediscover and emphasize its universality through its eroticism.



1. Encuentros con Eros: Aproximaciones teoricas y literarias al erotismo….17

2. Los corrales de comedias del siglo XVII madrileño: Espacios de sensualidad urbana….33

3. El actorado del siglo XVII como agente erotico-social….53

4. Juegos con Eros…..79

5. Entre bastidores: Voyeurismos escenicos y mediaciones eroticas discursivas….113

6. Eros en escena: Representacion y recepcion erotica….145

El final de una velada: Conclusiones….177

Obras citadas….183



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