

Lo dicho - Everyday Spanish sayings. Los dichos del dia a dia -- Palanca, Cristina & Tennfjord, G.S.

通常価格:¥4,840 税込
¥4,840 税込
商品コード: 179492
商品コード(SBC): 179492
ISBN13: 9788498481990
頁 数: 132 pgs.
サイズ: 17 x 24 x 1.2 cm
重 量: 0.29 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Edinumen
発行年: 2008
発行地: Madrid
双書名: Español Esencial

PDFリンク: ※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
- Illustrated byu Luis Ligarribay

Con este libro pretendemos que el estudiante se familiarice con muchos de los innumerables dichos del español cotidiano.

Este libro le ayudará a entender el significado y uso de los dichos más usados y, por tanto, más útiles a la hora de aprender. Por eso, está pensado y diseñado para ayudar al proceso de aprendizaje e integración de estas unidades que dan vida al idioma.

Lo dicho contribuye a que el aprendizaje del español sea aún más divertido y ayude a dominar las frases que dan propia personalidad a la lengua.

This book will help you understand the meaning and use of some of the most important and common sayings in Spanish. No one can master everyday Spanish without knowing these sayings.

You will see that Spanish is a rich and varied language. Alternative or equivalent sayings can often be found which can be used interchangeably. All the sayings are illustrated with light-hearted sketches, with examples of their use in real situations, which help you both understand what they mean and remember them. You will also see their English alternatives. The book is recommended as a complement to all Spanish teaching methods, from secondary school to university. It may also be of great interest to anyone wishing to expand their vocabulary and improve their command of the Spanish language.

Lo dicho suits all levels in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.



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