Dialogue in Spanish - Studies in functions and contexts ∥ Koike, Dale April & Rodriguez-Alfaono, L.(ed.)
商品コード: 178301
商品コード(SBC): 178301
ISBN13: 9789027210241
サイズ: 16.5 x 24.5 x 2.8 cm
頁 数: xiii+324 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: John Benjamins
発行年: 2010
発行地: Amsterdam
双書名: Dialogue Studies, 7 追加情報:
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Dialogue in Spanish provides a strong theoretical and empirical foundation for the study of dialogue. This edited collection of twelve original studies contributes to a broad comprehension of dialogue in two general contexts: personal interactions among friends and family; and public speech, such as political debates, medical interviews, court translations and service encounters.
The studies, written by authors from Canada, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, the United States and Venezuela, present an in-depth look at issues and elements of dialogue such as irony, narrativity, discourse markers, coherence, conflict and expectations. Background research on dialogue grounds the articles in such areas as discourse analysis, pragmatics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and linguistics.
The book will prove useful to those who study conversational interaction, pragmatics, and discourse analysis as applied to various functions and contexts, and it will be of particular interest to researchers and students of linguistics, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, communications and education.
Table of contents
Introduction, Dale April Koike and Lidia Rodríguez-Alfano…. vii–xiii
1. A continuum of approaches to dialogue, Lidia Rodríguez-Alfano….1-27
Part I. Dialogue in interpersonal contexts of informal conversation
2. Dialogues within oral narratives: Functions and forms, Laura Camargo Fernández….31-54
3. Being polite through irony, Xosé A. Padilla García and M. Belén Alvarado Ortega….55-68
4. Humor in verbal irony, María Isabel Kalbermatten….69-88
5. Evaluation, interpersonal meaning andco-construction in oral narratives by Mexican adolescents, Irene Fonte and Rodney Williamson…..89-116
6. The truth about verdad: Its discursive uses and its modal-epistemic value, José Esteban Hernández and Beatriz Solís….117-136
7. Backchannels as a realization of interaction: Some uses of mm and mhm in Spanish, Nadezhda Bravo Cladera…..137-156
Part II. Dialogue in public, professional, and educational contexts
8. Dialogue in the dynamics of political practice, Adriana Bolívar…..159-188
9. Conflict resolution: Mexican and Spanish strategies of repair, Lori Czerwionka…..189-220
10. A discourse analysis of Alzheimer-type dementia in personal conversations, Beatriz Valles-González….221-236
11. Triadic discourse: Interpreter-mediated dialogue, FritzG.Hensey….237-256
12. Behind L2 pragmatics: The role of emerging expectations, Dale April Koike….257-282
Conclusions and implications of studies thatapproach dialogue in its complexity, Dale April Koike and Lidia Rodríguez-Alfano…..283-290
General index…..315-318
List of contributors…..321-324