Los Claros Varones de España (ca.1483) - A Semi-Paleographic Edition ∥ Pulgar, Hernando del
商品コード: 108726
商品コード(SBC): 108726
ISBN13: 9780820430300
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 1.2 cm
頁 数: xxiii+118 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Peter Lang
発行年: 1996
発行地: Bern
双書名: A.U.S.2: Romance Languages and Literature, 220 PDFリンク:
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
- Edition Joseph Abraham Levi
This study of the ‘Claros Varones’ is a semi-paleographic edition - that is, its orthography reproduces closely the language as it was in the original archetype. It is hoped that those interested in the development of the Spanish language will find this edition useful in the classroom as well as for their philological research. Its intended audience, though, is mainly students of the Old Spanish language. In fact, given the short internal divisions within the text, this work can easily be used as a textbook, where the philological/linguistical features and historico- literary aspects can be discussed in the classroom and/or given as assignments. Moreover, it is a must for anyone interested in the tradition of Spanish historiography.
1. Fernando del Pulgar.....xi
2. Los Claros Varones de España.....xii
3. The Manuscripts......xiv
4. The Present Edition.....xv
5. Notes....xviii
Titulo I. El rey don enrrique quarto......3
Titulo II. El almirante don Fadrique.....11
Titulo III. El conde haro.....15
Titulo IV. El marques de santillana....20
Titulo V. Don Fernando aluares de toledo conde de alua.....28
Titulo VI. de don juan pacheco maestre de santiago.....32
Titulo VII. del conde don rodrigo de villandrando.....37
Titulo VIII. del conde de cifuentes.....43
Titulo IX. El Duque del Infantadgo.....47
Titulo X. El Conde de Alva de Liste.....49
Titulo XI. El Conde de Plazencia.....51
Titulo XII. El Conde de Medina celi.....52
Titulo XIII. El Maestre Don Rodrigo Manrrique. Conde de Paredes.....53
Titulo XIII. de un razonamiento fecho a la reina nuestra señola.....57
Titulo XV. de Garcilaso de la Vega......59
Titulo XVI. de don Juan de Sahavedra.....60
Titulo XVII. de Rodrigo de Narvaez....60
Titulo XVIII. Cardenal de sant Sixto....62
Titulo XIX. Cardenal de sant Angelo.....64
Titulo XX. Arçobispo de Toledo....67
Titulo XXI. Arçobispo de Sevilla.....69
Titulo XXII. Obispo de Burgos.....71
Titulo XXIII. Obispo de Coria.....73
Titulo XXIV. Obispo de Avila.....77
Titulo XXV. Obispo de Cordova.....78
Titulo XXVI. de otro razonamiento breve fecho a la reina nuestra señora....80
Titulo XXVII. Iñigo de Mendoza. Dechado. A la reina nuestra señora.....81
Notes to the Claros Varones....83
Selected Bibliography....95
Index of persons and places in the Claros Varones.....113
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