Lost for Words? - Brazilian Liberationism in the 1990s -- Ottmann, Goetz Frank
商品コード: 104123
商品コード(SBC): 104123
ISBN13: 9780822941811
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 2.3 cm
頁 数: vii+227 pgs.
重 量: 0.5 kgs
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: University of Pittsburgh Press
発行年: 2002
発行地: Pittsburg
双書名: Pitt Latin American Ser.
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
Lost for Words? Explores the rise and decline of progressive Catholic grassroots activism and its drive for social justice and democratic change in four low-income neighborhoods in São Paulo, Brazil. Ottmann focuses on the obstacles faced by the poor who took seriously the claim that ‘the people’ were to transform Brazilian society ‘from the bottom up.’ He follows their travails through periods of democratization, mass unemployment, and conservative backlash within the Church.
Frank Goetz Ottmann moves beyond purely political analysis to record how residents and progressive Catholic activists were drawn into a struggle for a ‘juster’ society, and how this movement began to unravel even before it reached its peak in the early 1980s.
Based on in-depth interviews and participant observation, and drawing on theoretical insights from recent debates on social movements and the sociology of religion, he examines how, by the early 1990s, the liberationist movement had lost its following, lost its allies, failed to achieve its core goals, and seemed to die. Ottmann then shows how in recent years activists have worked to create a new and pragmatic form of religious activism, one that draws on a range of agendas, including Catholic feminism.
1. Introduction......1
2. The Voice of the Voiceless: The People, the Struggle, Authenticity, and Popular Culture......25
3. Genesia and crisis of the Liberationist Struggle: 1968-1985......48
4. Institutionalization and Death of the Liberationist Struggle: Mid-1980s to Mid-1990s......84
5. Dogmatic Liberationism and Pragmatist Responses to Veryday Needs......109
6. Resurrectiong the Liberationist Spirit......134
7. Liberationism at the End of the Millennium......159
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