The Anatomy of Yberian Polyphony around 1500 -- Rodriguez Garcia, Esperanza & D'Alvarenga, J.P.(ed.)
商品コード: 147663
商品コード(SBC): 147663
ISBN13: 9783967280210
サイズ: 17 x 24 x 2.6 cm
頁 数: xiv+482 pgs.
重 量: 0.73 kgs
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Reichenberger
発行年: 2021
発行地: Kassel
双書名: Iberia Early Music Studies, 5
This book is an outcome of the project The Anatomy of Late-15th- and Early-16th-Century Iberian Polyphonic Music, conducted between 2016 and 2019 at CESEM–Centre for Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, to which senior and junior scholars contributed in a spirit of collegiality and close cooperation.
The background context for the Anatomy project was the realisation of the large extent to which the centre/periphery discourse dominates the narratives regarding music around 1500, even if these narratives have been challenged in recent decades. Early Iberian polyphonic repertories are still commonly barely acknowledged for their intrinsic technical and aesthetic value owing largely to the fact that they are seen as non-compliant with centric and canonical models, although they are, in fact, legitimate cultural elaborations blending both local and foreign influences.
By dealing with issues of polyphonic techniques and styles, reassessment of sources, processes of transmission and reception of music, and the retracing of composers’ careers, this book offers a fresh look at the establishment of central and local dynamics and the ways in which Iberian repertories negotiate with other European centralities.
List of Figures - List of Tables - List of Examples
João Pedro d’Alvarenga: Introduction
Composers and Their Works
1. Kenneth Kreitner: The Tordesillas Perplex
2. Grayson Wagstaff: Pedro de Escobar, Polyphonic Liturgical Genres, and Local Traditions in Early Sixteenth-Century Seville
Chant and Polyphony
3. David J. Burn: The Anatomy of Chant-Based Polyphony c. 1500: Iberian and European Perspectives
4. Juan Carlos Asensio: The compositional Process in the Alleluia Settings of E-TZ 2/3: From Plainchant to Polyphony
5. Bernadette Nelson: Manuscript Tarazona 2/3 and the Early Iberian Hymn: An International Perspective in the Post-Du Fay Age
Copying Manuscripts
6. Michael Noone: The Copying and Acquisition of Polyphony at Toledo Cathedral 1418-1542: The Evidence from Inventories and Payment Documents
7. Esperanza Rodríguez-García: Tarazona 2/3, Francisco de Peñalosa, and a Dis-attributed Credo: New Light on the Origins of the Manuscript
Transmission and Performance
8. João Pedro d’Alvarenga: Motet Selections in Early to Mid-Sixteenth-Century Spanish and Portuguese Manuscripts
9. María Elena Cuenca Rodríguez: Early Iberian Polyphonic Masses in the Portuguese Manuscript P-Cug MM 12: The Transmission of Variants, and Performance Concerns
10. Rachel Carpentier: ‘Never was there Greater Fame’: the International Life of a Spanish Song
11. Tess Knighton: Performing and Listening to the Cancionero Repertory in the Fifteenth Century
Analysing Musical Languages and Styles / New Tools of Research
12. Owen Rees: Formulaic and Modular Composition in Unattributed Motets in Portuguese Sources
13. Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo: The Sacred and the Secular: Stylistic Dialogues between Separate Genres
14. Esperanza Rodríguez-García and Cory McKay: Composer Attribution of Renaissance Motets: A Case Study Using Statistical Features and Machine Learning
Bibliography - Index
- Yo también quiero jugar al fútbol - 40 mujeres que cambiaron el deporte rey -- Jiménez, Mayca & Caboblanco, Alicia
- No las llames chicas, llámalas futbolistas -- Boronat, Danae
カンペオナス! 2023年FIFA女子ワールドカップ優勝メンバー23人を一人一人紹介。RTVEのサッカー担当記者がこれまでの取材やインタビューから選手の人柄やサッカーに対する思いを丁寧に描き出しています。
- Campeonas - 23 mujeres que hicieron historia -- Gutiérrez Alcaraz, Sara
- Aitana Bonmati - Unidas somos más furetes -- Bonmati, Aitana & Martin Vidal, C.
※ 最後の1セットです ※ 割引率アップで半額!!
アメリカのウェブスターに匹敵するようなメキシコ・オリジナルの辞書を作るという企画により Luis Fernando Lara 監修の元、1973年研究が開始されて以来、36年を経てついに完成したメキシコ・スペイン語辞典(DEM)です。
1921年以降の言語資料コーパスCorpus del espanol mexicano contemporaneo(1921-1974)と その後の最新語彙データの研究から生まれた集大成です。収録語数約2万5千語、語義は5万近くにのぼります。
第1巻:A-G、第2巻:H-Z の2巻本。
- Diccionario del español de México. in 2 vols -- Fernando Lara, Luis(dir.)