The Communicative Grammatical Function of Cognate Infinitives in Lebanese Arabic -- Iriarte Diez, Ana
商品コード: 187028
商品コード(SBC): 187028
ISBN13: 9788413404134
サイズ: 15 x 24 x 1.9 cm
頁 数: 302 pgs.
重 量: 0.51 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Universidad de Zaragoza
発行年: 2021
発行地: Zaragoza
双書名: Estudios de Dialectologia Arabe, 18
Cognate Infinitives have been identified and described as productive linguistic features within Arabic language and along the Semitic continuum. However, their full range of function remains largely unstudied in the spoken varieties of Arabic. This study proposes a new grammatical model for the analysis and description of Cognate Infinitives in Lebanese Arabic that accounts for this feature’s semantic, informational, affective and social functions. It suggests that Cognate Infinitives function as focus markers and are efficient communicative tools for a variety of attention management actions as well as for ‘face’ management strategies. The findings of this study therefore replace the omnipresent notion of ‘adverbial emphasis’ with a definition of ‘focus’ that comprises both informational and affective factors.
Notes on Transcriptions and Glosses
Abbreviations and Acronyms Tables and Illustrations
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Cognate Infinitives
Chapter 2. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
Chapter 3. Theoretical framework: A Multidimensional Model of Communication
Chapter 4. The Cognate Infinitive in Lebanese Arabic as a Focus Marker: Informational and Affective Dimensions
Chapter 5. Modeling the Grammar of Cognate Infinitives in Lebanese Arabic: Communicative Continua and Functional Spectrum
Chapter 6. Conclusions
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