The Development of Past Tense Morphology in L2 Spanish -- Salaberry, M. Rafael
商品コード: 148083
商品コード(SBC): 148083
ISBN13: 9789027241320
サイズ: 15 x 22.5 x 1.8 cm
頁 数: xii+210 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: John Benjamins
発行年: 2000
発行地: Amsterdam
双書名: Studies in Bilingualism, 22 PDFリンク:
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
This book presents an extended analysis of the development of L2 Spanish past tense morphology among L1 English-speaking learners. The study addresses three major questions: (1) what is the developmental pattern of acquisition of past tense verbal morphology among tutored learners? (2) what are the relevant factors that may account for the particular distribution of morphological endings (especially at the beginning stages)?, and (3) how does instruction affect the movement from one stage to the next?
The analysis provides a reassessment of the general claim of Andersen’s lexical aspect hypothesis and proposes minor changes that may render the hypothesis more appropriate for, especially, L2 classroom learning. The study includes an overview of theoretical positions on the notion of lexical versus grammatical aspect, and a comparison of the findings from previous empirical studies on the development of past tense verbal morphology among both classroom and naturalistic learners.
Chapter 1. Introduction......1
Chapter 2. Aspect......13
Chapter 3. The development of aspect in L1......37
Chapter 4. The development of aspect in L2......53
Chapter 5. Research methodology in the analysis of past tense morphology......107
Chapter 6. Analysis of data sets......135
Chapter 7. Developmental stages in the acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology......167
Name Index......207
Subject Index......209
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