

Literature, Science & Religion - Textual Transmission and Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe -- Bellmunt Serrano, Manel & Mahiques Climent, Joan(ed.)

¥13,970 税込
商品コード: 173698
商品コード(SBC): 173698
ISBN13: 9783967280036
サイズ: 15 x 21 x 2.6 cm
頁 数: xxiv+468 pgs.
重 量: 0.66 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Reichenberger
発行年: 2020
発行地: Kassel
双書名: Problemata Literaria, 88
Writing and translation were two fundamental means that determined not only the transmission of knowledge, but also its own conceptual representation in medieval and early modern Europe. As a whole, knowledge was conceived as a precious legacy that brought together highly diverse traditions, such as the Greco-Latin antiquity or the thought of the three great monotheistic religions. Inspired by their predecessors, medieval writers developed a chain of cultural transmission which dated back to antiquity, but, at the same time, those writers became a decisive model and a source of inspiration during the early modern period. In fact, the influence of their mastery can still be traced today.

All these currents can be seen reflected in the 25 chapters included in this volume, whose title revolves around three major thematic axes: literature, science and religion. Thus, philology and literary criticism can maintain an open interdisciplinary dialogue with other fields such as art, philosophy, religion, medicine or technology, thereby portraying a complex set of relations between linguistic and geographic traditions. In that sense, the 25 works included in this volume focus either on texts from the linguistic domain of Romance languages or the Anglo-Saxon family, not forgetting the role of other languages such as Latin, Greek, Hebrew or Arabic in Europe during this period of time.


Manel Bellmunt & Joan Mahiques


Manel Bellmunt Serrano

Turgenev’s ‘Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District’: Rewriting the Shakespearean Classic

Chiara Benati

The Translations of Brunschwig’s Cirurgia and von Gersdorff’s Feldtbuch der Wundarzney into Low German: Reception and Transmission of Scientific Texts in 16th-century Germany

Stefania Buosi Moncunill

El Testament pseudolul·lià de Jaume Mas: traducció o còpia de treball d’un alquimista català?

Antonia Cabot Garrido

Concepción de la persona y vida humanas en la quinta parte de El conde Lucanor

Juan José Calvo García de Leonardo

What diligence ought to be vsed, that children male, and not female may be borne: medieval eugenics in Richard Carew’s relayed version of Juan Huarte de San Juan

Irene Capdevila Arrizabalaga

Una altra versió del Breviari d’amor català: estudi dels fragments de Gant (UbGent, BHSL.HS.3284) i del còdex de París (BnF, Espagnol 205)

Lluís Cifuentes i Comamala

Els tractats de cirurgia medievals en català: entre el manual especialitzat i l’autoajuda domèstica

María Crego Gómez

Balneator en el Sendebar castellano y las Ciento y Una Noches. Texto árabe y traducción

Antonio Doñas

‘Vocablos cercanos’ y ‘propios vocablos’ en La consolaçión natural, traducción cuatrocentista de la Consolatio Philosophiae de Boecio

María José Esteve Ramos

The Effect of Manuscripts Contexts in Textual Transmission of Scientific Material: A Comparison of Sources from the Sloane Collection

José Antonio Fernández López

Pedro de Toledo y Alfonso de la Torre: traducción y conocimiento en dos lecturas cuatrocentistas de la Guía de perplejos

José Luis Gastañaga Ponce de León

Sobre la diversidad de saberes en la Celestina

Miguel Ángel Gomes Gargamala

‘A Triangular Affair’: Oddities, Readability and Excitement in the Translation of the Old English Elegies into Spanish

Joan María Jaime Moya

La aportación del léxico militar de origen germánico en la formación de la lengua catalana

Joan Mahiques Climent

Una versió inèdita del Procés d’Esperança Alegre al ms. 1701 de la Biblioteca Nacional de España

Georgina Olivetto

Alfonso de Cartagena, traductor y receptor de traducciones

Vicent Pastor i Briones

Petites troballes i pèrdues en el doble procés de traducció de la novel·la Pierres de Provença

Gerardo Pérez Barcala

Las fuentes del Livro d’Alveitaria del Mestre Giraldo

Joan M. Perujo Melgar

La versió catalana de la Historia regum Britanniae i la retraducció aragonesa emprada al taller de Juan Fernández de Heredia

Natalia Petrovskaia

Translation and Transmission of Texts in Medieval Europe: Two Aspects of Translatio

Helena Rovira Cerdà

L’exemplum de la mort d’Homer (o de Plató), d’Antoni Canals a sant Vicent Ferrer

Glòria Sabaté & Lourdes Soriano Robles

La ciència dels estels dins del projecte cultural de Pere el Cerimoniós

Mª Carmen Santapau Pastor & Mª Amparo Mateo Donet

La transmisión de los textos martiriales antiguos en época medieval: la literatura y la iconografía de san Vicente

Adriana Taboada

‘The Art of the Great Tales’. Alan Lee’s illustrations of The Children of Húrin (2007) and The Fall of Gondolin (2018) as a visual translation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s middangeard

Andrea Zinato

La traditio Senecae en la obra de Fernán Pérez de Guzmán



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