The Quest for the Cuban Christ - A Historical Search ∥ De la Torre, Miguel A.
商品コード: 156261
商品コード(SBC): 156261
ISBN13: 9780813025476
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 2 cm
頁 数: xvi+203 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: University Press of Florida
発行年: 2002
発行地: Gainesville
双書名: The History of African-American Religions ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による頁の変色
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
- Foreword by Stephen W. Angell & Anthony B. Pinn
In The Quest for the Cuban Christ, Miguel A. De La Torre examines symbols enriching the Cuban experience through a highly creative historical and cultural framework. He argues that for all Cubans, Christ must be understood through the historical analysis of the Cuban culture and that God saves Cubans in a quintessentially Cuban way.
De La Torre juxtaposes two disciplines long considered mutually exclusive - liberation theology and postmodernityto test the relationship between the faith of marginalized Cuban groups and the overall Cuban identity. His approach challenges the Latino academic religious community to seriously consider and acknowledge how vastly the Cuban religious experience differs from that of other traditions. He also confronts the proposition that Christ can be understood through a general Latino soda! location.
De La Torre analyzes key figures, groups, and periods in Cuban history as well as the ways Christ is being depicted in Cuban art today. His focus centers on the art created by marginalized segments of Cuban society, both in Cuba and the United States, to illuminate points of view from those previously silenced throughout Cuban history. His argument moves beyond a purely spiritual reading to explore how Christ is created by those who were and are oppressed by the Cuban culture, a theme that he uses to debunk the Christ of the powerful and privileged who until recently have been the sole arbiters of the Cuban identity.
List of Figures......ix
Foreword by Stephen W. Angell and Anthony B. Pinn......xi
Part I. A Historical Quest
1. The Conquistador Christ......3
2. The Marti Christ......26
3. The Black Cuban Christ......45
4. The Female Cuban Christ......65
5. Three Christs for the Twentieth Century......84
Part II. A Present-Day Quest
6. The Ajiaco Christ......117
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