El Mio Cid del taller alfonsi ∥ Dyer, Nancy J.(ed.)
商品コード: 120676
商品コード(SBC): 120676
ISBN13: 9780936388724
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 1.8 cm
頁 数: x+237 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Juan de la Cuesta
発行年: 1995
発行地: Newark
双書名: Ediciones Criticas, 6 PDFリンク:
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
- Edicion critica de Nancy Joe Dyer
Alfonso X’s source materials for a written history of Spain include a prose version of the Poema de mio Cid that retains ample evidence of its poetic origins in an epic poem startlingly similar to the poem copied by Per Abbat. The Alfonsine historiographic team molded the prosification towards a more pro-monarchic stance, attempting to level the prose stylistically towards ‘castellano drecho.’ Immediately following Alfonso’s death, the literary executors of his intellectual empire produced the Primera Crónica General and the Crónica de veinte reyes (=XXR). In El mio Cid del taller alfonsí an introduction traces the use or misuse of the chronicles in editions and studies of the Cid epic, providing background for the critical texts, notes, and variants. A complete original description of each manuscript consulted and an analysis of their similarities establishes the stemma for groups of codices.
El mio Cid del taller alfonsí presents three complete parallel versions of the prosification of the Poema de mio Cid through v. 1097, based on two manuscripts of PCG (El Escortial X-i-4 [=E]; Biblioteca Universitaria Salamanca 2638 [=F]) and one manuscript of XXR (El Escorial), which continues through the prosification of v. 3723. MS J, selected for its archaic language and readability, is complemented by major and minor variants from the remaining twelve XXR manuscripts. The critical apparatus utilizes interlinear, superscript coded clauses to identify the epic and non-epic sources in the prosification, thereby clarifying the attribution of interpolations from the prosifiers, the chronicle compilers of each sub-type, and the copyists. Paleographic, bibliographic, and content notes follow the edition and the bibliography.
Textual variants of the manuscripts of these chronicles provide invaluable evidence of versions of the Poema de mio Cid known in the time of Alfonso the Wise. A computer-assisted study of the variants reveals the archaic language of the epic at the time when the prosification and historiographic compilations were undertaken, and clearly manifests the irrepressible vitality of other versions of the Cid epic.
- Historia de la presente edicion......VII
- Agradecimientos......X
I. La fuente epica y sus manifestaciones cronisticas......1
A. Proposito......1
B. El Mio Cid en el taller alfonsi......1
C. Las cronicas en la edicion y el estudio del Mico Cid......5
II. Manuscritos......15
A. Primera Cronica General......16
B. Cronica de Veinte Reyes......17
C. Clasificadas en la prosificacion por variantes......27
III. Nuestra edicion......40
A. Criterios de la presente edicion......40
B. Normas de transcripcion......43
C. Variantes y correcciones al texto......44
IV. Texto del Mio Cid prosificado en el taller alfonsi......47
A. Primer Cronica General......47
1. El Escorial X-i-4 (E)......47
2. Biblioteca Universitaria Salamanca 2628 (F)......68
B. Cronica de Veinte Reyes......88
1. El Escorial X-i-t (J)......88
2. Variantes y notas paleograficas......126
C. Notas......176
V. Estudio......197
A. Prosificacion preliminar......197
B. Redacciones alfonsies de la prosificacion......202
C. El Mio Cid, la ‘Estoria y la Primera Cronica General......204
D. El Destierro en Veinte Reyes y la Primera Cronica General......207
E. Bodas y Corpes en Veinte Reyes......210
F. Valor de variantes......213
VI. Titulos de capitulos......217
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