The Quest for Harmony ∥ Servodidio, M. D'Ambrosio
商品コード: 105759
商品コード(SBC): 105759
ISBN13: 9780892950089
サイズ: 14 x 21 x 1.5 cm
頁 数: xi+170 pgs.
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies
発行年: 1979
発行地: Boulder
双書名: S.S.S.A.S. ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による表紙ヤケ
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
Subtitulo : The Dialectics of Communication in the Poetry of Eugenio Florit
For the past few decades, Eugenia Florit has been considered an important Spanish-American poet because of the intrinsic value of his poetry, a corpus that has served as a leading testimony of the many configurations poetry has adopted during the twentieth century. In her study of Florits poetry, Professor Servodidio provides a cohesive view of his poetic production. Her basic premise is that in Eugenio Florit’s poetry, the notion of polarity - whether understood existentially, Platonically, mystically or historically - is a seminal one, governing his entire opus.
The dialectical opposition between Classicism and Romanticism, formalism and expressionism, then, is merely the external manifestation of a duality which besieges the poet from within. Yet, while the poet’s nature is woven from a skein of contradictions, his writings exhibit a common root: the quest for a harmony through which these differences may be resolved, reconciledor-endured. To this end, as this study shows, Florit has exerted distinct levels of control: the formalism of ‘pure’ poetry, the poet’s aesthetic of Salvation, the idealizing activity of the imagination and intellect which reshapes the world depicted by the senses - as in Tr6pico; the tempering of passion through abstraction, distancing and indirection - studied under Eros; the choice of noninvolvement of death-as-a-way-of-life, examined under thanatos; the imaginative revision of past of an art of recollection and, most centrally, the exaitation of a beneficient nature, the laws of reason. and the lessons of faith.
The poet, indeed, experiences periods of integration and stability when he knows himself whole. Yet, what harmonious unity Florit encounters, the synthesis of opposites it presupposes is, at best, a fragile state. The study demonstrates,, that in the poets temporal existence, the laws of polarity and contradiction cannot be permanently abrogated.
I. Introduction......1
II. A Poetry of outwardness......7
The Poet as Exegete: A Doctrine of Aesthetic Salvation......7
Tropico: The Delineation of a Cosmos......12
III. A Poetry of Inwardness: The Anatomy of Disquiet......23
Eros as the Tendance of the Body......26
An Iconography of Disquiet......51
IV. The Struggle for Serenity: Angles of Vision......81
An Art of Recollection......81
Disquiet Quelled Through Art......93
Nature as Permanence: The Poet in Harmony......102
Eros as the Tendance of toe Soul......115
V. Conclusion......161