An Analysis of the Short Stories of Juan Carlos Onetti - Fictions of Desire -- Millington, Mark I.
商品コード: 135303
商品コード(SBC): 135303
ISBN13: 9780773493407
サイズ: 16 x 23.5 x 2.2 cm
頁 数: xii+214 pgs.
重 量: 0.52 kgs
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Edwin Mellen Press
発行年: 1993
発行地: Lewiston
双書名: Studies in Latin American Literature and Culture, 1
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
Presents a comprehensive analysis drawing on concepts from psychoanalytical theory and paying particular attention to the representation of gender. After an exploration of the main theoretical concepts deployed, the emerging thematic and textual features in the early stories are defined.
The study then concentrates on the stories of the 1950s and 1960s. A repeating pattern in the analyses is the elaboration of a reading and then the discovery of how the coherence of that reading unravels as the stories’ textuality disrupts any simple desire to `make sense’. The reading process itself is problematized via concepts drawn from psychoanalysis which help to elucidate the non-transparency of the texts and transferential effects in reading.
The final chapter considers the nature of repetition in Onetti: the fact that the stories return again and again to certain ideas is viewed as disabling of a final resolution of the gender problems which are implicit in the stories. Conversely, the fact that these problems are not resolved is also enabling of further writing and invention.
Abbreviations and Editons......IX
1. ‘Unto the Breach...’: Theorizing Reading......1
2. First Fictions/First Desires......11
3. Snapshots from beyond Masculine Desire: ‘El album’ and ‘El infierno tan temido’......43
4. Gossip and the Other in ‘Historia del caballero de la rosa y de la virgen encinta que vino de Liliput’......67
5. Negotiating the Text: 2La cara de la desgracia’......81
6. Masculinity and the Fitht for Ignorance: ‘Jacob y el otro’......97
7. Objects and Objections: ‘Tan triste como ella’......115
8. Her Story/Our Story: The Textuality of ‘La novia robada’......137
9. A Case of Lethal Paternity: La muerte y la niña......155
10. Ambivalence and Desire in Cuando entonces......183
22. ‘Once More....’: The Limits of Repetition......197
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