Guiding the Plot - Politics and Feminism in the Work of Women Playwrights from Spain and Argentina, 1960-1990 ∥ Witte, Ann
商品コード: 108725
商品コード(SBC): 108725
ISBN13: 9780820428598
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 1.7 cm
頁 数: xii+167 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Peter Lang
発行年: 1996
発行地: Bern
双書名: Wor(l)ds Change/Latin American and Iberian Literature, 20 ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による表紙ヤケ
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
The theatre of Ana Diosdado and Paloma Pedrero in Spain, and Aida Bortnik and Griselda Gambaro in Argentina, written between 1960 and 1990, reveals an increasing preoccupation with women’s issues together with a continuiing awareness of problematic political realities. Whether they challenge the strict separation between the private and the public, or whether they choose to uphold that distinction, these authors make the personal political by appropriating the public space - the state - for the stories of women.
1. Theatre in Transition: The Crisis of the Committed Playwright?......1
2. Spain’s Women Dramatists: From the Male Gaze to Democratic Alternatives......9
3. Ana Diosdado: Theatre for a Society in Transtition......17
4. Paloma Pedrero: The Challenge of a New Generation......37
5. Argentine Theatre: The Pursuit of Double Militancy......65
6. Aida Bortnik: Between Feminism and Femininity......75
7. Griselda Gambaro: The Political Pen and the Construction of a Feminst Perspective......107
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