Juan del Encina: A Tentative Bibliography (1496-2000) ∥ Stathatos, Constantin C.
商品コード: 120879
商品コード(SBC): 120879
ISBN13: 9783935004701
サイズ: 16.5 x 24 x 1.2 cm
頁 数: vi+140 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Reichenberger
発行年: 2003
発行地: Kassel
双書名: Teatro de Siglo de Oro/Bibliografias y catálogos, 39 ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による頁の変色
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
La presente bibliografía de Juan del Encina consta de tres partes: 1: Ediciones y Adaptaciones, 2: Traducciones y 3: Estudios críticos. Se complementa con una nota aclaratoria acerca de los títulos de las obras de Encina, un índice de investigadores y traductores y un índice temático.
Most of Juan del Encina’s plays were originally untitled. Modern scholars refer to them by varying titles, which tends to produce some confusion in the reader’s mind. It was therefore deemed appropriate, for the purpose of identifying the plays, to provide in an Appendix a list of the eglosas and, parenthetically, the variant titles used for each of them. It is hoped that this work proves useful to those studying Juan del Encina’s literary production
Bibliographic sources......5
I. Editions and adaptations......11
II. Translations......39
III. Critical studies......43
Appendix: The titles of Juan del Encina’s palys......111
Index of scholars and translators......113
Subject index......135
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