Basic Ecclesial Communities in Brazil - The Challenge of a New Way of Being Church -- Azevedo S.J., Marcello de C.
商品コード: 115651
商品コード(SBC): 115651
ISBN13: 9780878404483
サイズ: 15 x 23 x 1.9 cm
頁 数: xiii+304 pgs.
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Georgetown University Press
発行年: 1987
発行地: Washington
双書名: ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による擦れ折れ
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
This book represents a major contribution to the understanding of the Catholic Church in the Third World. The focus is Brazil, but the issues touch the Church universally, providing it with a new and, to date, inadequately understood ecclesiological and missiological model. The author brings to this task not only his considerable skills as a social scientist and theologian, but also his many years of varied experience as a principal actor in the Brazilian church, not only as a Jesuit provincial superior, but also as President and Executive Director of the nationwide Conference of Religious of Brazil. His book thus combines both theory and praxis.
Foreword to the English Edition......XI
I. Basic Ecclesial Communities as a Topic Today......1
II. Methodological Choices......6
III. Why focus on brazilian BECs?......8
IV. General Plan of this book......15
1. Basic Ecclesial Communities in Brazil: Origins and Process of Historical Formation......23
I. Two Emphases in the Historical Approach......23
II. Formative Process: Multidimensional Convergence......25
III. Historical Situation and Context: Nation and Church......28
IV. The Rise of BECs in Brazil......35
V. A Critique of Thomas C. Bruneau’s Position......39
2. Basic Ecclesial Community in Brazil: A Close Look at the Meaning of the Words......57
I. Comunidade (‘Community’)......59
II. Eclesial (‘Ecclesial’)......66
III. De Base (‘Basic’, ‘Base-Level’, ‘Of the Base’)......74
IV. Problems posed to deeper understanding......80
3. Basic Ecclesial Communities: Mediation Locales of Evangelization......119
I. Earlier Models and the BEC Approach......119
II. The Broader Challenge of Evangelization in Brasil......137
4. Basic Ecclesial Communities: Ecclesiological Dimensions......177
I. The Historical Context behind Ecclesiological Reflection on BECs......178
II. Church-Theology-BECs......194
III. BECs: Meeting Point of Ecclesiological Intuitions and Approaches......208
General Conclusion......245
Afterword to the English Edition......251
Appendix: Pope John Paul II’s Letter to the Brazilian Episcopal Conference......257
Bibliographical References......269
- Meu primeiro livro de palavras - Um dicionário ilustrado do português de A a Z -- Biderman, M.T. Camargo & Carvalho, C.S.
『能ある鷹は爪を隠す』の表題で、ペルーの哲学者 Augusto Castro の現代日本省察。日本人の考え方や価値観、生死観等に興味深い視線を投げかけています。著者の Augusto Castro は1995年から2000年にかけて東京大学の客員教授として日本に滞在していました。
- El buen halcón oculta la garra - Una reflexión sobre la modernidad del Japón -- Castro, Augusto
- El arte del protocolo - Manual práctico -- Fernández, Fernando
- El libro de las bodas - Protocolo y organización de las ceremonias matrimoniales -- Blanco, Esmeralda
- Los Flores - Artistas de ley, familia de raza -- Domingo Soriano, Carmen
- Moda española: una historia de sueños y realidades -- Figueras Serra, Josefina
- Mujeres para la historia - La España silenciada del siglo XX -- Rodrigo Garcia, Antonina
アメリカのウェブスターに匹敵するようなメキシコ・オリジナルの辞書を作るという企画により Luis Fernando Lara 監修の元、1973年研究が開始されて以来、36年を経てついに完成したメキシコ・スペイン語辞典(DEM)です。
1921年以降の言語資料コーパスCorpus del espanol mexicano contemporaneo(1921-1974)と その後の最新語彙データの研究から生まれた集大成です。収録語数約2万5千語、語義は5万近くにのぼります。
第1巻:A-G、第2巻:H-Z の2巻本。
- Diccionario del español de México. in 2 vols -- Fernando Lara, Luis(dir.)
- Atlas de la España rural -- Molinero Hernando, Fernando et al(coord.)