

The Palace of Justice - A Colombian Tragedy ∥ Carrigan, Ana

通常価格:¥5,632 税込
¥1,200 税込
商品コード: 124352
商品コード(SBC): 124352
ISBN13: 9780941423823
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 2.5 cm
頁 数: 304 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Four Walls Eight Windows
発行年: 1993
発行地: New York

PDFリンク: ※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)

In November 1985, Colombia’s M-19 Revolutionary Movement invaded the nation’s Supreme Court, holding hostage its 300 civilians, including most of the Supreme Court justices and members of the Council of State, in a golpe revolucionario publicitario - a spectacle that would seize international headlines. Their plan was to persuade the justices to put on trial the country’s civilian government. Their hope was that in such a trial the government would be discredited, and that the balance of power would then shift in the M-19’s favor. What resulted instead was the Colombian army’s all-out counterattack, in which the dirty civil war, which until then had been fought in the far reaches of the countryside, was brought home to the nation’s capital.

Award-winning journalist and filmmaker Ana Carrigan was sent to Bogotá to cover the story for The New York Times Sunday Magazine. But what she uncovered went beyond a magazine story. Nor was it simply a question of an official cover-up. Her two-week assignment evolved into eight years of research and writing to find out what had caused the national tragedy of Colombia and who was to blame. As Conor Cruise O’Brien writes in his foreword, ‘Colombia is not a military dictatorship. Things there might be marginally better if it were. . . .’




Part I

Chapter 1. Antecedents......65
Chapter 2. The Court undr Siege......89
Chapter 3. The Search for Hostages......105
Chapter 4. The Counterattack......113
Chapter 5. No One Calls the Chief Justica......125
Chapter 6. The Radio......135
Chapter 7. The Other Palace......145
Chapter 8. The Palace on Fire......157

Part II

Chapter 9. Night......171
Chapter 10. Nightmares and the Ghost......185
Chapter 11. The Messengers......193
Chapter 12. The Personage......211
Chapter 13. Another Page of Glory......233
Chapter 14. ‘Operacion Limpieza’......253





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