Syntactic Theory and Basque Syntax ∥ Lakarra, J.A. & Ortiz de Urbina, J.(ed.)
商品コード: 154007
商品コード(SBC): 154007
ISBN13: 9788479070946
サイズ: 17 x 24 x 3 cm
頁 数: 512 pgs.
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Universidad del Pais Vasco
発行年: 1992
発行地: Bilbao
双書名: Supplements of Anuario del Seminario de Filologia Vasca de Julio de Urquijo, 27 ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による表紙ヤケ
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
This volume presents a series of articles dealing with questions of current interest within the field of generative syntax. If syntax has played a central role in the development of linguistic theory in the second half of this century, it seems clear that generative approaches occupy a central position in the area of syntactic research. Actually, it is to a large extent as a result of concerns addressed within the generative paradigm that syntax has emerged as the single most important field in theoretical linguistics. Since the publication of Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures back in 1957, the ‘generative enterprise’ has managed to provide an appealing research program which has unified and guided the activity of a growing number of linguists.
The generative paradigm found an early echo in the Basque Country, and, for example, the late Mitxelena was among the first linguists, if not the first, to quote Chomsky in Spain. De Rijk’s 1968 MIT thesis on Basque relative clauses and the publication of a descriptive generative grammar of Basque in Basque, Goenaga’s Gramatika bideetan, in 1978 triggered the beginning of what is by now a fully established academic tradition. ASJU-International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology was also highly responsive to these developments, and already as early as 1972 produced a special issue devoted to American contributions to Basque generative studies. - From Preface
Xabier Artiagotia: Why Basque doesn’s Relativize Everything.....11
J.-Marc Authier, Arbitrary Null Object Languages in a Parametric Theory of Linguistic Variation......37
Noam Chomsky: Some Notes on Economy of Derivation and Representation......53
Heles Contreras: Superiority and Head Government......83
Joseph Emonds: The Autonomy of the (Syntactic) Lexicon and Syntax: Insertion Conditions for Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes......91
Jon Franco: Towards a Typology of Psych Verbs: Evidence from Spanish......19
Jacqueline Gueron: Inalienable Possession and Locative Aspect......135
Ken Hale & Jay Keyser: Lexical Categories and the Projection of Argument Structure......147
Itziar Laka: Negative Complementizers: Evidence from English, Basque and Spanish......175
Laszlo Maracz: Minimality Effects in Hungarina......213
Amaya Mendikoetxea: Some Speculations on the Nature of Agreement......233
Pieter Muysken: A Note on Inflected Quantifiers in Quechua......263
Javier Ormazabal: Asymmetries on Wh-movement and Specific DP-s......273
Jon Ortiz de Urbina: Interrogative Discharge and the Wh-criterion in Basque......295
Beñat Oyharçabal: Structural Case and Inherent Case Making: Ergaccusativity in Basque......309
Georges Rebuschi: Absolute and Relativized Locality in the Binding Theory......343
Maria Luisa Rivero: Patterns of V-raising in Long Head Movement, and Negation: Serbo-Croatian vs. Slovak......365
Luis A. Saez: Comparison and Coordination......387
Juan Uriagereka: The Syntax of Movement in Basque......417
Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria: On the Structural Positions of the Subject in Spanish, their Nature and their Consequences for Quantification......447
Karen Zagona: Tense-Binding and the Construal of Present Tense......493
Topic Index......503
Autor Index......507
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