Cartas e Crônicas - Leitura Jornalistica ∥ Smith, E.P. & Smith, Jr., P.H.(ed.)
商品コード: 115650
商品コード(SBC): 115650
ISBN13: 9780878402311
サイズ: 15 x 23 x 1 cm
頁 数: xi+121 pgs.
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Georgetown University Press
発行年: 1990
発行地: Washington
双書名: ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による表紙ヤケ
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
The material in this reader was gathered from newspapers during a trip to several regions of Brazil. We found the journalistic language interesting because it lies somewhere between literary language and everyday speech. Some of the selections in this book are quotations of conversation, while others are extremely scholarly in tone. Many of the authors of the signed articles have published other works, while other items either are anonymous or consist of letters to the editor from ordinary people. Letters to the editor are marked with the word Caria on the title line, where the author’s name appears for signed articles. The ‘titles’ of the letters are the headings given by the newspaper editors.
In general we have retained the punctuation, type faces, capitalization, etc., found in the original articles and letters. We have made an occasional silent emendation, usually when we found what we were absolutely certain was a typographical error. However, we have left a number of aberrant features, which may be of interest to the reader; these have generally been signaled in footnotes. Ellipsis points in all cases represent the newspaper’s deletion of material. - From Introduction
1. Baleias reaparecem em São Conrado / Unsigned......1
2. Lingua inglesa / Carta......3
3. Lingua do mundo, Jose Lourenço de Lima......4
4. Grafias, Flavio Rangel......8
5. Moda e linguagem, Paulo do Couto Malta......11
6. Uma literatura rica, Afrânio Coutinho......13
7. O avesso das coisas, Carlos Drummond de Andrade......17
8. Capitulo da visita, Paulo do Couto Malta......20
9. Decadência / Carta......22
10. Agua / Carta......24
11. Cinema brasileiro / Carta......25
12. Retalhos / Carta......26
13. Mãe intranquila / Carta......27
14. Erro médico / Carta......29
15. Indeferença / Carta......31
16. Gratidão / Carta......33
17. O riso nos dias de hoje, Ida Laura......34
18. No ônibus, Belminda Vinagre......36
19. Sensação de esperança / Carta......39
20. Criminalidade / Carta......41
21. Proibição permitida / Carta......42
22. Visão otimista / Carta......43
23. Ponderação / Carta......45
24. Hoje tem espetáculo, Roberto Drummond......47
25. Finep / Carta......49
26. O dólar ficou louco, Abelardo Jurema......50
27. Os mendigos dão esmolas, F. Pereira Nobrega......53
28. As aves que aqui já não gorjeiam mais, Roberto Drummond......56
29. Bom exemplo / Carta......60
30. Controle de animais / Carta......60
31. Catedral de Brasilia / Carta......61
32. Perfil da cidade mirim, F. Pereira Nobrega......64
33. A noite do medo, Mauro Santayana......67
34. Para que utopias? Sebastião Vila Nova......70
35. Nota: Caminhos cruzados, João Jacques......72
36. Memória de Olinda: Os Quatro Cantos, Luiz Beltrão......74
Exercicios de C.preensão (preparados por Laura Zamarin)......81
1. Alphabetical List of Authors......89
2. Alphabetical List of Titles......90
3. Brazilian States, Territories, and Capitals......91
Union Glossary......93
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