Vlad - A Novel ∥ Fuentes, Carlos
商品コード: 180995
商品コード(SBC): 180995
ISBN13: 9781564787798
サイズ: 13 x 18.5 x 1.7 cm
頁 数: 112 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: Dalkey Archive Press
発行年: 2012
発行地: New York
双書名: PDFリンク:
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
- Translated by E. Shaskan Bumas and Alejandro Branger
‘Vlad’ is Vlad the Impaler, of course, whose mythic cruelty was an inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula. In this sly sequel, Vlad really is undead: dispossessed after centuries of mayhem by Eastern European wars and rampant blood shortages. More than a postmodern riff on ‘the vampire craze,’ Vlad is also an anatomy of the Mexican bourgeoisie, as well as our culture’s ways of dealing with death. For--as in Dracula--Vlad has need of both a lawyer and a real-estate agent in order to establish his new kingdom, and Yves Navarro and his wife Asunci n fit the bill nicely. Having recently lost a son, might they not welcome the chance to see their remaining child live forever? More importantly, are the pleasures of middle-class life enough to keep one from joining the legions of the damned?
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