

Cultures in Contact in Medieval Spain: Historical and Literary Essays presented to L.P.Harvey -- Hook, D. & Taylor, B.(ed.)

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¥2,728 税込
商品コード: 126838
商品コード(SBC): 126838
ISBN13: 9780951308523
サイズ: 14.5 x 21 x 1.5 cm
頁 数: xvi+216 pgs.
重 量: 0.35 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Kings College London
発行年: 1990
発行地: London
双書名: Medieval Stud. 3
書籍状態: 経年変化による表紙ヤケ
PDFリンク: ※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
Since its foundation in 1831, the Department of Spanish at King’s College London has, with the exception of brief periods of hiatus between the appointments of staff during the nineteenth century, been continuously engaged in teaching and publication on Spanish themes. The Cervantes Chair of Spanish, the establishment of which in 1916 speaks for a commitment to scholarship undaunted by the turmoil of contemporary events, has been held by a succession of distinguished Hispanists: James FitzmauriceKelly, Antonio Pastor, Edward M. Wilson, Alexander A. Parker, R.O. Jones, and L.P. Harvey, who succeeded Roy Jones in 1973 and retired as Cervantes Professor and Head of Department in 1983, a date of which the significance will be all too apparent to observers of the contemporary British academie world. As will be seen from our list of L.P. Harvey’s publications, the years since 1983 (during which he has continued to serve both the Department and Hispanism, first in a part-time capacity, then as Emeritus Professor) have witnessed an increase in scholarly productivity fostered by freedom from the burdensome administration which has fallen so heavily upon senior acadernic staff in the last decade.

It is, moreover, our confident expectation that works in press and in prospect will rapidly render our list of publications an historical statement rather than a complete catalogue; we have already been delighted to have to update it during production of this volume, and, like Pat Harvey’s curriculum vitae, it is open-ended. It is, however, exhaustive to 1990, with the exception of book reviews. The purpose of this collection of essays at this point in Pat Harvey’s career is not principally to cornmemorate his retirement, therefore, but rather to honour the continuing work of someone whose breadth and depth of learning and exacting scholarly standards are as much a feature of the man as are his humanity, generosity and mesura.
- From Introduction

List of contents:

Curriculum Vitae of L.P. Harvey......ix
Publications of L.P. Harvey......xi
List of Abbreviations.......xv

Samuel G. Armistead: An Anecdote of King Jaume I and its Arabic Congener......1

Roer Boase: The Morisco Expulsion and Diaspora: an example of racial and religious intolerance......9

Charles Burnett: Divination from Sheep’s Shoulder-blades: a reflection on Andalusian society......29

Alan Deyermond: Uses of the Bible in the Poema de Fernán González......47

John Edwards: Bishop Juan Arias Dávila of Segovia: ‘Judaizer’ or Reformer?......71

Brenda Fish: The Death of Antar: an Arabic analogue for the Cid of Cardeña......87

T.J. Gorton: Back to Ibn Quzman......103

Richard Hitchcock: Arabic Proper Names in the Becerro de Celanova......111

David Hook: Some Problems in Romance Epic Phraseology......127

Francisco Marcos Marin: Notas al azar: para simultanear lo par y lo impar......151

Ralph Penny: Labiodental /f/, Aspiration, and /h/ -dropping in Spanish: the evolving phonemic value of the graphs f and h......157

Barry Taylor: Raimundus de Biterris’s Liber Kalile et Dimne: notes on the Western reception of an Eastern exemplum-book......183

Roger M. Walker and Milija Pavloviç: Iimena’s vergüenças malas (Poema de Mio Cid, l. 1596)......205

Tabula Gratulatoria......215



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