The Game of Literature: Demythification and Parody in Novels of Gonzalo Torrente Ballester ∥ Blackwell, F.H.
商品コード: 104557
商品コード(SBC): 104557
ISBN13: 9788472741331
サイズ: 16.5 x 24 x 1.5 cm
頁 数: 164 pgs.
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Albatros Ediciones
発行年: 1985
発行地: Valencia
双書名: Albatros Hispanofila, 36 ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 経年変化による表紙ヤケ
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
Frieda H. Blackwell, currently Assistant Professor of Spanish and Head of the Modern Language Area at Howard Payne University. She completed both the M. A. and the Ph. D. at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Her master’s thesis examined the figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary in the poetry of Federico García Lorca. The material in the present volume is the result of investigations undertaken for the doctoral dissertation, and ineludes information from several interviews conducted with Gonzalo Torrente Ballester in Salamanca in May, 1981. She has published artieles on Torrente and delivered papers on both Lorca and Torrente at several literary conferences.
I. Torrente Ballester’s theory of the novel and the concept of demythfication…..11
II. The demythification of historico-political myths: «El golpe de estado de Guadalupe Limon» and «Ifigenia»…..30
III. The demythification of a national cultural myth: «Don Juan»..…55
IV. The demythification of social and literary conventos: «Off-Side»…...76
V. The demythification and remythification of history and literature: «La Saga/Fuga de J.B.» and «Fragmentos de Apocalipsis»...…101
VI. Torrente in perspective…..159
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