Las dos Castillas: A vista de pájaro - Advanced Level
商品コード: 820520
商品コード(SBC): 820520
サイズ: 13.5 x 19.5 x 1.6 cm
頁 数: 54 pgs.
装 丁: DVD
出版社: Babbitt Instructional Resources
発行年: 2005
発行地: San Antonio
双書名: Babbitt DVD Didáctica
- systema NTSC
In this DVD we trace the history and traditions of Old Castile and then New Castile. Included in the visual are the following topics: Introduction, The Romans, Visigoths, Moors in Old Castile, Fernán González, The Cid, El Mester de Clerecía, The Road to Santiago, The Expansion of Old Castile, Castile in the New World, The Golden Century, Great Painters, The Independence of the Americas, The Civil War and Spain in the 21st century. We end with the music of an Estudiantina. This is a DVD that shows the importance of the two Castiles in the history and development of Spain as the great nation it is today.
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