Unamuno y su Salamanca - Advanced Level
商品コード: 820591
商品コード(SBC): 820591
サイズ: 13.5 x 19.5 x 1.6 cm
頁 数: 16 pgs.
装 丁: DVD
出版社: Babbitt Instructional Resources
発行年: 2001
発行地: San Antonio
双書名: Babbitt DVD Didáctica
- DVD systema NTSC
For a better understanding of the works of Unamuno we visit the old University of Salamanca (Spain). We see the many places that inspired much of Unamuno’s best poetry including the university, the cathedral, the Roman bridge, the Plaza Mayor, etc. Consider this DVD for any course on Spanish civilization and for those preparing for the ADVANCED PLACEMENT test.
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