Psycholinguistics - Psychology, Linguistics and the Study of Natural Language -- Kess, Joseph F.
商品コード: 122648
商品コード(SBC): 122648
ISBN13: 9789027235831
サイズ: 15.5 x 22.5 x 2.6 cm
頁 数: xiv+360 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: John Benjamins
発行年: 1992
発行地: Amsterdam
双書名: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 86 ---------------------------------------
書籍状態: 表紙に小さなキズ折れ有り
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
This textbook is designed to serve as an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of psycholinguistics. It is directed at filling the reading needs of courses in departments of linguistics and of psychology, presenting an integrated overview of the ways in which both disciplines have investigated the learning, production, comprehension, storage and recall of natural languages. Also detailed are those research topics that have captured the interests of psycholinguists over the past few decades.
Some current topics included are modularity vs interactionism, the role of parsing strategies in sentence comprehension, and accessing the mental lexicon in word recognition. Earlier topics that have attracted considerable energy not so long ago, such as sound symbolism and linguistic relativity, are also investigated in some detail. Psycholinguistics is an enquiry into the psychology of language, but the facts of language are what generate theories about why language is learned, produced and processed the way it is. Thus there is a wide array of examples from the languages of the world, intended to provide a feeling for what the nature and range of human language are like.
Chapter 1. Introduction......1
Chapter 2. A History of Psycholinguistics......13
Chapter 3. Speech Perception and Production......29
Chapter 4. Morphology and the Mental Lexicon......69
Chapter 5. Syntax......93
Chapter 6. Discourse......141
Chapter 7. Semantics......195
Chapter 8. Language and Thought......223
Chapter 9: Biological Prerequisites......251
Chapter 10. First Language Acquisition......281
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