The New Dramatists of México, 1967-1985 ∥ Burgess, Ronald D.
商品コード: 116829
商品コード(SBC): 116829
ISBN13: 9780813117270
サイズ: 14.5 x 22.5 x 2.2 cm
頁 数: ix+166 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: University Press of Kentucky
発行年: 1991
発行地: Lexington
双書名: PDFリンク:
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In 1967 a dozen hopeful young Mexican dramatists-most of them studying with Emilio Carballido-began staging plays, primarily in small, out-of-the-way theaters, and publishing them, mostly in university magazines with limited distribution. Until now, more than twenty years later, there has been no comprehensive study devoted either to this original group of writers or to those who followed in the same generation, and no central source of information about them or their production. Although they continue to produce more plays every year, they represent a lost generation.
Ronald Burgess now offers the first extensive study of this group of playwrights and their work. Included is discussion of over 200 plays by more than 40 writers, but the work of nine key playwrights is examined in depth. Most of these dramatists concern themselves with the state of Mexico today, reacting to current social conditions with depictions ranging from violence to guarded hope to anguished hopelessness. Many look to their nations history and culture for explanations.
1. Introduction. The Formation of a Generation......1
2. The Early Years. Villegas and Lopez......14
3. The Generation Gap. The First Wave......30
4. A Five-Year Lull, 1974-1978. Velasquez......45
5. The Storm Surrounding the Lull. Gonzalez Davila and Olmos......62
6. Many Realities. Berman and Espinosa......78
7. Spotlight on Society. Liera and Rascon Banda......97
8. Bridging the Gap. The Second Wave......117
9. Conclusion. A Beginning......132
Appendix A. Works of the Playwrights......139
Apendix B. Plays in the Nueva Dramaturgia Series......151
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