The Dissenting Voice - The New Essay of Spanish America, 1960-1985 -- Stabb, Martin S.
商品コード: 130751
商品コード(SBC): 130751
ISBN13: 9780292776845
サイズ: 16 x 23.5 x 1.9 cm
頁 数: vii+152 pgs.
装 丁: hard cover
出版社: University of Texas Press
発行年: 1994
発行地: Austin
双書名: Texas Pan American Ser. PDFリンク:
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND AESTHETIC change marked Latin American society in the years between 196o and 1985. In this book, senior scholar Martin Stabb explores how these changes made their way into the essayistic writings of some twenty-six Spanish American intellectuals.
Stabb posits that dissent-against ideology, against simplistic notions of technological progress, against urban values, and even against the direct linear expository style of the essay itself-characterizes the work of these contemporary essayists. He draws his examples from major canonical figures, including Paz, Vargas Llosa, Fuentes, and Cortdzar, and from lesserknown writers who merit a wider readership, such as Monterroso, Zaid, Edwards, and lbargiiengoitia.
This exploration overturns many conventional assumptions about Latin American intellectuals and also highlights some of the other achievements of authors famous primarily for novels or short stories. It will be important reading for all students and scholars of Latin American literature.
A note on translations......viii
I. Introduction......1
II. Revolution or Rebellion?......8
III. The Cult of Pepsicoatl......31
IV. The Twilight of Ideology......55
- The Faithful......58
- The Doubters......69
V. Toward a New Essay......94
- The Autonomous Text......96
- The Author’s Voice......101
- Genre Mixing......107
- The Essay as Poetry......115
- The Self-Conscious Essayist......123
VI. Conclusions......126
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