The Arabic dialect of Essaouira (Morocco): grammar and texts -- Francisco, Felipe Benjamin
商品コード: 187030
商品コード(SBC): 187030
ISBN13: 9788413407791
サイズ: 15 x 24 x 1.3 cm
頁 数: 166 pgs.
重 量: 0.26 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Universidad de Zaragoza
発行年: 2023
発行地: Zaragoza
双書名: Estudios de Dialectologia Arabe, 20
This study presents, for the first time, a comprehensive descriptive study of the Arabic dialect spoken in the city of Essaouira (Mogador), including updated data on its Muslim and Jewish varieties. The Muslim variety of the local Arabic had been ignored for more than a century since dialectologists believed that the city’s population was mostly ethnically Amazigh speaking, what this study proved to be a misconception.
The book also contains data on the rural dialect of the Chiadma territory, precisely the city of Aquermoud in the surroundings of Essaouira – never described before. New oral texts by some of the remaining Jewish speakers in the city and in the diaspora are also included.
1. Phonetics and Phonology
2. Verbal Morphology
3. Nominal Morphology
4. Texts
Table of contents
- Yo también quiero jugar al fútbol - 40 mujeres que cambiaron el deporte rey ∥ Jiménez, Mayca
- No las llames chicas, llámalas futbolistas ∥ Boronat, Danae
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- Campeonas - 23 mujeres que hicieron historia ∥ Gutiérrez Alcaraz, Sara
- Aitana Bonmati - Unidas somos más furetes ∥ Bonmati, Aitana & Martin Vidal, C.