

Musical Exchanges, 1100-1650: Iberian Connections -- Pedro Ferreira, Manuel(ed.)

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¥19,140 税込
商品コード: 147092
商品コード(SBC): 147092
ISBN13: 9783944244570
サイズ: 16.5 x 24 x 2.9 cm
頁 数: xii+392 pgs.
重 量: 0.49 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Reichenberger
発行年: 2016
発行地: Kassel
双書名: Iberian Early Music Studies, 2

Music in the Iberian Peninsula has been often treated in isolation from trends beyond the Pyrenees, and seldom has its local repertoire been approached from an inter-regional angle. However it has become increasingly clear that it has both an international and inter-regional scope. This book is an outcome of the research project «Musical exchanges, 1100-1650: The circulation of early music in Europe and overseas in Iberian and Iberian-related sources». It encompasses a historical introduction and fifteen chapters by both more established and junior scholars, focusing on different aspects of exchange, influence, and circulation, thus providing a much-needed counterpoint to current, nation-biased narratives.



1. Manuel Pedro Ferreira: Emulation and Hybridisation in Iberia: A Medieval Background

Musical exchanges


2. Arturo Tello Ruiz-Pérez: Center and Periphery Again: Could Spain be Considered an Independent Tradition of Liturgical Song?

3. Kathleen E. Nelson: The Notated Exultet in Braga’s Missal de Mateus: Known Tradition or New Composition?

4. Diogo Alte da Veiga: Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Breviary Fragments in Moissac and the Rite of Braga: Some Preliminary Insights

5. Kate Helsen: The European Affiliations of MS Porto BPM 1151

6. Rui Araújo: Trouvère Elements in the Cantigas de Santa Maria


7. Bernadette Nelson: Urrede’s Legacy and Hymns for Corpus Christi in Portuguese Sources: Aspects of Musical Transmission and Influence

8. Juan Ruiz Jiménez: Himnario de la catedral de Sevilla versus Intonarium Toletanum (Alcalá de Henares, 1515)

9. João Pedro d’Alvarenga: Some Identifying Features of Late-Fifteenth- and Early-Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Polyphony

10. Owen Rees: The Coimbra Manuscripts and the ‘Spanish Court Repertory’: The Motet Peccavi domine

11. Tess Knighton: Gonçalo de Baena’s Arte para tanger (Lisboa, 1540): Local and International Repertories

12. Emilio Ros-Fábregas: Franco-Flemish Polyphony versus Palestrina in Spanish Choirbooks with Renaissance Repertory and the Case of Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, M. 682: Towards a Revised Census-Catalogue

13. Omar Morales Abril: Presencia de música y músicos portugueses en el virreinato de la Nueva España y la provincia de Guatemala, siglos XVI–XVII

Other sources, other connections

14. David Hiley: Collatum miseris: A Little-Known English Liturgical Office for Saint James. Politics and Plainchant in the Time of Henry II

15. Thomas Forrest Kelly: Beneventan Sources in Iberia

16. Ana Gaunt: The Arouca Polyphonic Codex



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