Literatura o imperio: La construcción de las lenguas castellana y catalana en la España renacentista -- Lledó-Guillem, Vicente
商品コード: 172367
商品コード(SBC): 172367
ISBN13: 9781588711281
頁 数: 201 pgs.
サイズ: 15 x 23 x 1.5 cm
重 量: 0.38 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Juan de la Cuesta
発行年: 2008
発行地: Newark
双書名: Estudios Lingüisticos, 9
※ 詳しくはこちら (PDF追加情報)
This book focuses on linguistic ideology in Spain in the Early Modern Period, especially the 16th century. Traditionally linguistic scholarship in the Renaissance has been considered a possible precedent of Modern Historical Linguistics. This work demonstrates that such a vision can be expanded by studying how the topics of linguistic change, the historical continuity of language, and the criteria to value and improve a language were addressed during the period.
In order to show this, Lledó-Guillem studies two languages: Catalan and Castilian. In both areas the value of the language is usually attributed to either its political power or its literary tradition. Despite this difference, however, language is in both cases finally associated with political power. But whereas Castilian speakers accept the continuity of their language since the Middle Ages, Catalan speakers question that their own Medieval literature was written in the language that they use in the Early Modern Period. Castilians accept the geographical and historical continuity of Castilian as a natural quality of their language, despite the warning of Antonio de Nebrija that continuity in language was a political construction. In the Catalan-speaking lands this continuity is not accepted.
It can be argued that the Castilian linguistic ideology, as far as the history of the language is concerned, could be a precedent for a Modernist perspective, whereas the Catalan position is more similar to a Postmodernist view. The consequences of this ideological difference are still present today.
1. Una dicotomia comienza a perfilarse......31
2. El establecimiento final de la dicotomia......66
3. Sevilla juzga a Garcilaso. La lengua castellana en manos andaluzas. La importancia fundamental de la ideologia del cambio lingüistico de Francisco de Medina (1544-1615) y Fernando de Herrera (1534-1597)......98
4. El cambio lingüistico en las obras escritas en catalan......121
5. La obra de Mati de Viciana (1502-1582) y Gaspar Escolano (1560-1619)......153
Obras citadas......195
- Mujeres para la historia - La España silenciada del siglo XX -- Rodrigo Garcia, Antonina
19世紀のメキシコ!! 1854~1855年に発行された、メキシコ人の生活を職業ごとにそれぞれ挿絵と文章で紹介した本が復刻されました。水売りからパン屋まで、服装、持ち物だけでなく、職業や社会階層による暮らしぶりの違いがわかり、当時を知る貴重な資料になっています。メキシコ人とメキシコ社会の多様性が現れています。
- Los mexicanos pintados por si mismos -- Arias, Juan de Dios & Frias y Soto, H., et al
- Atlas de la España rural -- Molinero Hernando, Fernando et al(coord.)
アメリカのウェブスターに匹敵するようなメキシコ・オリジナルの辞書を作るという企画により Luis Fernando Lara 監修の元、1973年研究が開始されて以来、36年を経てついに完成したメキシコ・スペイン語辞典(DEM)です。
1921年以降の言語資料コーパスCorpus del espanol mexicano contemporaneo(1921-1974)と その後の最新語彙データの研究から生まれた集大成です。収録語数約2万5千語、語義は5万近くにのぼります。
第1巻:A-G、第2巻:H-Z の2巻本。
- Diccionario del español de México. in 2 vols -- Fernando Lara, Luis(dir.)