A Companion to Spanish Women's Studies -- Ros, Xon de & Hazbun, Geraldine(eds.)
商品コード: 150662
商品コード(SBC): 150662
ISBN13: 9781855662865
サイズ: 15.5 x 23.5 x 3.4 cm
頁 数: 432 pgs.
重 量: 0.92 kgs
装 丁: paper cover
出版社: Boydell & Brewer
発行年: 2011
発行地: London
双書名: Tamesis A/Monografias, 294
An overview of the issues and critical debates in the field of Women’s Studies within the area of peninsular Hispanism.
After an introductory survey of the development of women’s studies in the context of Spain, twenty-one chronologically ordered essays by scholars from Britain, the United States, Spain and Mexico explore women’s roles in the cultural production of their time from the Middle Ages to the present.
The essays of the first half examine the work of the earliest women writers and artists - memoirs and meditations, novellas and plays - and the representationor self-representation of women in a broad sweep of texts including medieval folksong, hagiography, and painting of the Baroque era.
The modern section focuses on women’s participation in politics and culture from the eighteenth century onwards: as translators and essayists, as consumers of visual ephemera and conduct books, as writers and artists, film directors and performers.
An alternative and supplement to standard literary histories, thisvolume offers new insights into women’s agency and representation in the cultural heritage of Spain. It will prove a useful and stimulating resource for students at all levels, and an accessible guide for the general reader.
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